Ron Burgundy #947 - Anchorman Funko Pop! Movies [SDCC Limited Edition]
Assemble the most courageous news team around: Ron Burgundy #947, the SDCC Limited Edition Anchorman Funko Pop! Movie. He's bold, he's brave, and he's ready to add a little flair to your collection. Get your hands on a true classic!
We do not claim any Pops as "Mint" as we are not a grading company. Pops MAY have minor imperfections from shelf wear such as scratches, dings, rips, minor creasing, or minor corner imperfections. This we do not consider as damaged and even though we strive to deliver the best condition item to our customers we cannot accept returns for this type of reason. Thank you for understanding.
Please note: Exclusive sticker may vary on the box.
Stock photos are used for listing purposes.
All items are original and are in their original packaging.
Pictures are available of the actual item upon request. Please allow 24 to 48 hrs for response.